Submit original and well-researched papers that have not been published elsewhere.
Check for plagiarism and ensure that your paper is original before submitting.
Read and follow the conference guidelines and regulations carefully.
Submit your paper in the required format (usually .doc or .pdf).
Submit your paper well before the deadline to avoid rejection.
Ensure that you have registered for the conference and paid the registration fee before the deadline.
Stay informed by regularly checking the conference website for updates and announcements.
Direct any queries or concerns to the conference organizers via the provided contact information.
Be aware of any changes or updates to the conference schedule, agenda, and speaker list.
Arrive on time and prepared for your presentation.
Book travel or accommodation before receiving official confirmation of your paper's acceptance and the conference schedule.
Include any NSFW content, maps of disputed territories, or controversial material in your paper or presentation.
Submit plagiarized or previously published work.
Ignore the conference guidelines and regulations.
Submit your paper after the deadline or without proper registration
Disregard updates and announcements made on the conference website
Fail to contact the conference organizers with any questions or concerns.
Arrive late or unprepared for your presentation.
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