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Call For Paper

  • High Energy and Nuclear Physics
    CP violation, rare decays, CKM
    Electroweak physics
    Equation of state for dense nuclear matter
    GRID distributed analysis in high energy physics
    Hadron spectroscopy & exotics
    Hadrons in the nuclear medium
    Hard break-up reactions involving nuclei
    Heavy ion collisions & quark matter
    Heavy quark physics
    Lattice calculations & computational quantum field theory
    Mathematical aspects of QFT & string theory
    Modification of nuclear structure function in nuclei - EMC effect
    Neutrino physics
    Nuclear matter at high densities and neutron stars
    Particle astrophysics & cosmology
    Parton-propagation in the nuclear medium and color transparency phenomena
    Probing high density fluctuations in high energy physics
    QCD hard interactions
    QCD soft interactions
    R & D for future accelerators, detectors & new facilities

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