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Biomechatronics design philosophy
Biomedical robotics, robotics for orthopaedics/medical/visceral/musculoskeletal surgery
Rehabilitation robotics, robotics for stroke patients, wearable medical devices
Microelectronics, embedded signal processing, low-power design
Bioelectromagnetism, electrical bioimpedance, implantable electronics, biomaterials
Bio-related MEMS, biomechanical devices, nanotechnologies
New tools for surgical education/training
New materials, new sensing/actuation technology, health monitoring devices
Assistive technology for the injured, elderly and disabled; haptics, sensor technologies
Medical imaging/visualisation, simulation/navigation, virtual reality, intuitive command/control
Design of devices/systems requiring computer-based intelligence
Biomechatronic systems/biosystems modelling/simulation, system identification
Advanced control for improving system performance, computer integration design
Networked biomechatronic systems for remote sensing/monitoring/diagnosis
Mechatronic systems fault diagnosis/tolerance
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